
Tag Archives: divorce

Divorce Parenting No-No’s

momsonParenting during divorce poses unique and difficult challenges for even the most well intentioned mothers and fathers. Many parents find themselves preoccupied if not overwhelmed by the divorce and all the emotions and uncertainties that accompany it. As a result, these parents become less able to attend to the needs of their children who need them more than ever during this turbulent time.

As a conscientious divorcing parent, you can serve the interests of your children by avoiding the following mistakes commonly made during divorce. But even if you do have a bad moment (it’s okay, nearly everyone does), use the experience to strengthen your resolve to not let it happen again.

The Parenting Goal Statement: 12 Steps Toward Productive Co-Parenting During and After Divorce

Divorcing parents promote their children’s well-being by retooling their co-parenting relationship early in the divorce process. Adding new ground rules to old shared values redirects parents’ focus from their own conflict to the children’s needs. It also creates momentum for a long-term parenting plan and a co-parenting relationship that produces healthier children.

Here are a dozen Parenting Goal Statement staples:

➢ We will shield our children from our conflict.

➢ We will not use our children as messengers or confidants.

➢ We will not put our children in the position of “choosing sides.”

Custody Battles: A Perfect Storm of Harmful Outcomes for Children

fistsWe know that custody battles are bad for children. The reason seems obvious enough: Prolonged high levels of parental conflict are toxic to children.

But there may be more to it than that. I believe that custody battles are so damaging because they deprive children of the very things they need most during divorce.

A “Top 4 List” of children’s needs during divorce would read something like this:

    • An end to their parents’ fighting
    • An end to uncertainty about where and with whom they will be living
    • A return to some degree of normalcy in their lives